Perfformiad Dawns (Portalis) | Dance Performance (Portalis)

“grab my hand; or my foot”: Moving through time, land and waves until we arrive
Performed by Friederike Anna Zinn and Alexandra Bierlaire. The dance performance explores the journey of migration between Wales and Ireland taking experiences from personal stories of travelling round Europe. Finding the curiosity in moving, seeing and settling within todays society. Reminiscing on the same journey that our ancestors took over thousands of decades. We are discovering our stories by reliving theirs through change of society, climate and countries.
“cydiwch yn fy llaw; neu fy nhroed”: Symud trwy amser, tir a thonnau nes ein bod yn cyrraedd
I’w berfformio gan Friederike Anna Zinn ac Alexandra Bierlaire. Mae’r perfformiad dawns yn archwilio’r daith o fudo rhwng Cymru ac Iwerddon gan gymryd profiadau o straeon personol am deithio o amgylch Ewrop. Darganfod y chwilfrydedd wrth symud, gweld ac ymgartrefu o fewn cymdeithas heddiw. Cofio’r un daith a droediodd ein cyndeidiau dros filoedd o ddegawdau. Rydyn ni’n darganfod ein straeon ni trwy ail-fyw eu rhai nhw trwy newid gymdeithas, hinsawdd a gwledydd.


Jun 03 2023


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum
Terrace Road Aberystwyth SY23 2AQ United Kingdom

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