Exploring the earliest connections between Ireland and Wales 

Exploring how first settlers adapted to their surroundings in order to survive

Portalis maps the story of the first journey between Ireland and Wales, dating back to the Mesolithic period, about 10,000 years ago. Our project explores how those first settlers adapted to their surroundings in order to survive and seeks to understand whether there are any parallels with how we can adapt to climate change now. 

Portalis is a design led transdisciplinary pilot project, supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme, www.irelandwales.eu The project is led by South East Technological University (SETU) and is supported by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Ceredigion County Council and Waterford Chamber of Commerce. 

The Ireland Wales 2014-2020 European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programme is a maritime programme connecting businesses and communities on the West coast of Wales with the South-East coast of Ireland. The programme focuses on seeking solutions to shared challenges including adaption of the Irish Sea and coastal communities to climate change, and cultural and natural resources and heritage. 

The partnership delivering the project unites in the shared purpose of citizen led co-development of fully inclusive activities tailored to the needs of our communities and visitors. 

To achieve this, we will work with the following six coastal communities in Ireland and Wales, creating two new cross-border experiential tourism networks.

Project highlights

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Six coastal communities:


Aberystwyth, in Ceredigion, Wales

Dunmore East

Waterford Estuary, Ireland

The Aeron Valley

in Ceredigion, Wales

Wexford, Ireland

The Hook Peninsula


in Ceredigion, Wales

Waterford Estuary

harbour area & surrounding coastal villages, Ireland


Our work

What we do

Portalis consolidates existing evidence and provides new data. We interpret this data into an exciting cross-border narrative which is developed into a powerful new visitor experience at two key museums.

Working with you

Working with local communities, we use a range of different techniques to map and promote our shared cross-border linked destination experiences alongside exciting events supporting communities and businesses in Ireland and Wales! 

Join us

Join the Portalis team in discovering and protecting our shared cultural and natural heritage through our events and activities. Help trace the footsteps of the first journey and cultural connections between Ireland and Wales. 

Register for our events

Join the Portalis team in discovering and protecting our shared cultural and natural heritage through our events and activities.