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Public Cross Border Cultural Network workshop to develop local cultural tourism opportunities

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Portalis, an EU funded project that explores the first connection between Ireland and Wales dating back to the Mesolithic period, is inviting members of the public to attend a series of workshops taking place in six unique coastal communities in Ireland and Wales.

The cross-border local engagement events will look to introduce the Portalis project and explore how elements of the project can be used to develop cultural tourism in the coastal communities and their surrounding areas

In Ireland, the series will kick off in Faithlegg on September 29th at 7.30pm at Park Rangers Football Club. It will be followed by Dunmore East on October 18th at 7.30pm at Fisherman’s Hall, and finally with two events in Wexford to take place in October at 7.30pm at venue to be confirmed. Refreshments will be provided.

Seeking solutions to shared challenges

The overall aim of the Portalis project is to create a state-of-the-art new virtual reality (VR) supported visitor experiences at two key museums in Waterford and Wales, linking with destination experiences along coastlines, as well as filmmaking, a new mobile app, a 3D online exhibition, and lots more exciting events and initiatives that will support communities and businesses in Ireland and Wales.

Portalis is a design led transdisciplinary €1.95m pilot project, supported by €1.5m funding from the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme, www.irelandwales.eu The project is led by South-East Technological University and is supported by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Ceredigion County Council and Waterford Chamber of Commerce.

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